Still don't know what you're paying for on your toilet bill?
Our commitment is with you.
Fixed costs or charges are those janitorial service activities that are charged on your janitorial bill and are as follows.
Sweeping and Cleaning
With this service, we free these sectors of waste such as grit, leaves, papers or materials that can be removed manually. The service coverage is periodically extended according to the growth of our city, and is reflected in your bill as a fixed cost that is updated every six months.
Urban Cleaning
The Urban Cleaning component is included in the cleaning service, according to Decree 1077 of 2015, and is composed of the activities of grass cutting, tree pruning and washing of pedestrian bridges.
Commercialization of the service
Includes all activities associated with billing, invoice delivery and customer service.
Variable charges are those activities that are performed and charged for on your janitorial bill and are as follows.
Collection and Transportation
It is settled monthly according to the number of tons collected throughout the city. Each vehicle is weighed upon entering the landfill and at the end of the month the fee is settled according to the total tons collected and the stratum.
Final waste disposal
This component is calculated according to the number of tons disposed from Villavicencio that enter the landfill each month.
Its calculation is based on the number of tons of waste collected reported to the Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos (Public Services Superintendence) by the recyclers' organizations in the city. Bioagrícola invoices, collects and remits the money from this activity to the recyclers' organizations.
Leachate treatment
Liquids generated by the biological decomposition of waste.
This is an economic assistance applied to the billing of users of strata 1 and 2 according to the percentages established by the Municipal Council.
This is the additional contribution to the tariff applied to strata 5 and 6, commercial and industrial users to contribute to the payment of subsidies for strata 1 and 2 users.